Saturday, March 14, 2009

E-Drama + E-Thuggin = E-Bullish

So while I was in my favorite spots (youtube, blogtv, facebook) I noticed that I was surrounded by a lot of e-drama. Lawd I need some calming music to soothe me as I write this bad boy. Come on and jam with me for a second: (shout-out to my bestie/twinny Jen who gave me this music idea) (please open in a new tab)

Notice that everything has an e- in front of so you know that is the first of many problems that I must address. Why are we so attracted to mess and drama that we create even in the cyber-world. It cracks me up how it is not even a real world yet drama always finds it way there. B.Scott calls them e-ballers(haters who gain balls when they get behind their computer) but I call them e-idiots! Why can't we just have a good time online without some cornball saying something immature, ignorant, irrelevant or a mixture of all three? People flock to e-drama (I am guilty of flocking my self) and feed the fires that need to be extinguished instead of further ignited. Are people so bored with their lives that they must create insecure mayhem and confusion wherever they go. I hate when an e-idiot is talking all this trash and then they end up being some pimply-faced nerd from somewhere like Minnesota or South Dakota. Like are you serious?!?!? Is this what makes you happy and excited...starting e-drama from behind the comfort zone of your compute screen. Now I'm no fool so I know that sometimes e-drama can not be avoided but must be met head-on. In those circumstances I feel that the problem needs to be resolved in the most mature and adult way possible. So a word to the wise (or un-wise in the e-idiot's case) is DO NOT (and I repeat do-not) say anything online to someone you know you would never say something crazy to in person. Close your little lap-top or shutdown your desktop and stop starting ish that you know you would never be involved with in the real world! That's all for now...

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