Friday, April 11, 2014

Glory Only In Christ

** I am once again participating in the Lenten SheSharesTruth activity given by the wonderful writers of the blog SheReadsTruth. This week were given the task of interpreting 1st Corinthians 2: 1-5. May you be blessed by what the Lord has laid on my heart to share. Any woman trying to get deeper in God, please visit the blog and join a community of women intent on indulging on His word .**

"Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, But to Your name give glory, Because of Your mercy, Because of Your truth." Psalms 115:1

Take back my degree, erase everything that I went to college for, disregard my eloquent speech, remove my titles, strip me bare of my accomplishments and see only the Christ in me. My things only distract you from seeing the real Star of the show, the Risen Christ. Whatever great things you thought I did do not even measure up in comparison to the greatness that He did on the Cross. I assure you, we are the same, equal, and evenly matched. I cry when you cry. I labor when you labor. I rejoice when you rejoice. I hunger when you were hunger. I stutter when you stutter. If I look weak, great. If I am labeled as meek, wonderful. If I let you cut me off and speak to me in a condescending tone, perfect. As long as by the end of our conversation you realize that the same Christ who justified me also justifies you, it was all worth it. "But he who glories, let him glory on the Lord. For not he who commends himself is approved, but who the Lord commends." 2nd Corinthians 10:17-18 This is what Paul is saying, this is what Stephanie is saying. All glory belongs to the Risen King Jesus.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Jonah's Great Escape: My Interpretation of Jonah 1 & 2

** I am once again participating in the #SheSharesTruth activity given by the wonderful writers of the blog SheReadsTruth. Any woman trying to get deeper in God, please visit the blog and join a community of women intent on indulging on His word .**

Jonah 1 & 2: First Hand Account

He says "Go there.", I say "Flee from here!" Why me? Why now? Why there? There's a boat going to Tarshish and I'm going to be on it so I can go as far away from You as possible. "He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord." Sorry God I'm not your man, You should choose someone else more fit for the position.

What is all that noise? I guess my sleep will have to wait, I can rest and relax when I get to Tarshish anyways. Why does the boat feel like it is going to flip upside down and rip in two? "But the LORD sent out a great wind on the sea, and there was a mighty tempest on the sea, so that the ship was about to be broken up."  Uh-oh, God is this You causing the sea to open up and swallow us? Why do You pursue me so? Why do you make the waves chase after me? 

 Others call on gods who can do nothing for them. I know that You can calm the very sea that Your hands crafted. My fellow sailors seem to have more reverence for You than I do. How foolish of me to think that I could escape You? You who sees all, knows all, and created all things. I know what must happen, just throw me overboard. Get rid of this raging sea by getting rid of me. "And he said to them. 'Pick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will become calm for you. For I know that this great tempest is  because of me.' "

God, I recognize my wrong and want another opportunity to get it right. I know that You called me to do something great. On Your strength and power I  will stand. Even though it's dark where I am, I know that You are with me as my protection. "Yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O LORD, my GOD." In my darkest moments is when I can see You the clearest. "So the LORD spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land." As I turn my face towards You, I finally see daylight and dry land. I'm ready to fulfill Your purpose for my life.

Whether we are running from Nineveh, accepting the call to become a minister, opening that business, going back to school for that Master's Degree, or signing up for that Missions Trip that has been tugging on our heartstrings, there is a God-given purpose that we may be running from.We must unlace our track shoes and shake off the feelings of inadequacy or lack. My Sisters, behind every glimpse of our purpose that is revealed to us, God puts the provision and ability to carry it out. May your days be filled gloriously with carrying out His purpose. xoxo

Friday, March 7, 2014

Interpretation of Psalms 130

Song of Ascents = Pilgrim Songs, Songs of Degrees, Songs of Steps

Interpretation of Psalm 130:

 Down in the pits of our lowest point when we have been cut off from everyone whom we thought could help, Your Name is called upon earnestly. I beg that you hear our cry and listen to lips full of humble prayers. Where could we hide if you kept a record of all of our iniquities? What scale could hold the weight of our sins? How merciful You are that You smooth out the rough patches of life with Your grace and mercy, if you didn't we would unravel like a ball of yarn. Thanks be unto You for Your loving kindness and ability to forgive. You are eternally reverenced because You never stop forgiving. No matter what happens or what challenges arise, unshakable faith is the only response.

 In pain or joy, tears or laughter I will wait upon Your presence to speak to my soul as only You can. With a heart of expectancy and hope, I will sit patiently knowing that You are never far. In you do I put my trust oh God, for there is no one else who can redeem me from my sins. My hand is in Your hand lead me in the land of uprightness.

“Gratitude for forgiveness leads the worshiper to reverent fear and obedience.”

** Today, I dust off my blog for an exciting challenge in which other readers and I get to share our insight of a particular passage of scripture pertaining to the Lent season. I'm participating in the activity with the blog shereadstruth . I recommend it to any woman seeking to get deeper in God. **